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Special Issue- Zoombombing
Some experts indicated that, “human beings are social species which require safe and secure social surroundings to survive. Satisfying social relationships are essential for mental and physical well beings. Impaired social relationship can lead to loneliness....
In honor of Women’s History Month
Although women have made great strides in equal rights over the last century, women are still fighting for their safety. One of the biggest challenges women are facing globally is human trafficking and the multifaceted affects it has on their lives. Did you know that...
In honor of Black History Month
Although human trafficking transcends gender, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity, African American girls are disproportionately more at risk of becoming a victim of trafficking compared to their peers. Trafficking victims often share the following...
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Human trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to control a person for commercial sex or labor services. Traffickers use violence, threats, blackmail, false promises, deception, and debt bondage to trap vulnerable persons for profit. Sex trafficking occurs...